duffel bag

[ˈdʌfl bæg]
  • 释义
  • <美>(防水的帆布)行李袋,行李袋[圆形大帆布袋];

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Beside him lay a bulging duffel bag.


  • 2、

    A large black suitcase, and a medium gray duffel bag.

    一个大型的黑色皮箱, 还有中型的灰色圆筒旅行袋.

  • 3、

    Amy: I'm taking along a duffel bag for bringing back anything we buy on the trip.

    艾咪: 我要带个帆布袋把我们旅行中的东西装回来.

  • 4、

    Frank's friends arrive with a duffel bag full of guns.


  • 5、

    The duffel bag was on his lap.


  • 6、

    He put both hands on duffel bag, feeling the stacks of bills inside.

    他把两手放在破布袋子上, 感受着里面一摞摞的钞票.

  • 7、

    Kevin slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and jammed the purple chips into his pockets.

